Practica Puntazo! Grand Opening Monday, January 6

eat. breathe. tango. (tm)

Practica Puntazo! Grand Opening Monday, January 6

Practica Puntazo!
Every Monday from 7:30-10:30pm
Great Hall at Green Lake 7220 Woodlawn Ave NE
Entrada: $15

Join the FB group for the latest information and to invite your friends:
Practica Puntazo:

Join us to work on and improve your tango dancing!

Format: 2/3 of the floor will be sectioned off for the Ronda and 1/3 will be sectioned off to workshop/trouble shoot things that may not be ready for the line of dance just yet, practice drills, teach privates, etc. Certainly feel free to talk and workshop things in the Ronda! but if you need a space without the pressure of keeping line of dance moving, we will have an area specific for ironing these things out.

Our goal is to offer a large space to the community where people of all levels feel welcomed and comfortable to practice, give and receive feedback, ask questions and work on what ever material they are trying to improve on.

Contact: Jiyub at or Blair at