Milonga China Harbor News

eat. breathe. tango. (tm)

Milonga China Harbor News

Tangueras y Tangueros

With many misgivings we have to inform you that we will be shutting down the Monday Night Milonga at China Harbor for the months of February and March. Over the last several months attendance at the milonga has been trending downward and has reached a level where it is no longer worthwhile to host the milonga on a weekly basis. Our plan, at this time, is to reopen the milonga on Monday, April 1st. At that time we will reassess the viability of hosting a weekly milonga on Monday nights.

The Monday Night Milonga at China Harbor has been a mainstay of tango in Seattle for the last 20 years but without adequate local support it will not be economically feasible to continue hosting the milonga. Times and tastes do change but we are hopeful that when we reopen in April there will be a renewed interest in supporting this unique venue.

Best regards

Arturo and Juan