Update on China Harbor Schedule

eat. breathe. tango. (tm)

Update on China Harbor Schedule

April 4, 2024

Tangueras y Tangueros

After much thought and input from local dancers we have decided to go over to semi-monthly milongas at China Harbor. Under the less is more theory, our hope is that we can maintain the enthusiasm we had at last Mondays “Reopening” milonga. Also, it will give us a better chance to maintain and improve the condition of the dance floor.

Our plan going forward is to have milongas on the first and third Mondays each month. For April, the next Monday Night Milonga at China Harbor will be on April 15th with Tom Lee as the DJ. Under this new schedule, there will not be a milonga next Monday, April 8th.

We have a lot of flexibilty at China Harbor so we will see how this new schedule works and are open to making changes as circumstances dictate.

And a big “Thank You” for your support

Arturo y Juan