<h2 align=center>You have reached the Seattle Argentine Tango Web site.</h2> <h3>There is a world of Argentine tango dancing here. Just about every night, if not every night, you can dance tango in Seattle. If you are viewing this text, your browser lacks the ability to read frames. Don't worry, you can still enjoy the site because the site does not use frames!</h3>


The focus of allseattletango.com is Seattle, of course. Here you will find practically every tango link related to Seattle. If any are missing, please let us know. You will also find links to regional websites (we've also adopted Alaska as part of the Pacific Northwest), and to other websites that seek to serve their communities with the same non-partisan perspective as ours. Finally, you can find an eclectic assortment of national and international sites that have caught our eyes for one reason or another. Enjoy!