<h2 align=center>You have reached the Seattle Argentine Tango Web site.</h2> <h3>There is a world of Argentine tango dancing here. Just about every night, if not every night, you can dance tango in Seattle. If you are viewing this text, your browser lacks the ability to read frames. Don't worry, you can still enjoy the site because the site does not use frames!</h3>

Pablo Tapia

email: tapiapb (gmail.com)
phone: (206) 612-7859

World-renowned sacada master, gancho titan, and boleo god, Pablo Tapia is not just a North American phenomenon (look for deformities in various parts of his ears), but also an Ecuadorian obscenity. Since early age, he had no idea how to balance, never took a ballet class, and hated the music of Carlos Gardel as a little kid. How the hell did he get so good? Something magical happened when he actually discovered tango as a dance ten years ago. The tango gods bestowed upon him the Cruzada Trident, and ever since then he has dominated the treacherous waters of tango. He will not just teach you to dance tango superbly; he will also teach the ways of the milonguero, the bitter taste of yerbamate, the somber look one must have when dancing tango, the hardships of La Boca. Don’t be fooled by imitations.

Pablo will teach you to dance tango through easy metaphors and a comfortable learning environment. No matter what style you want to learn, (e.g., milonguero, nuevo, salon), Pablo will work towards your tangoals (get it?). Taking the time to break down all the elements of this complex dance, Pablo will whip you into tango shape (seriously, he will make you work hard). But the rewards will be priceless: your musicality will improve dramatically, your dance will become much cleaner, and your connection, oh, your connection--you will love your connection.